1966 At the age of fifteen I began working in a shop that specialized in reupholstery and refinishing. The owner of the shop, Ralph Golemb (still working at age 86) learned in his father's shop as a boy. From Ralph I learned finishing and all the old methods of upholstery, including French edges, double stuffing, and button tufting. At this time nineteenth century antique furniture was very popular and this is what I learned on. I started out on Victorian sidechairs and eventually was doing most of the upholstered antique pieces that came in.
1974 I began doing work on my own while still working full-time in Ralph′s shop. This was when I started building up my client base. For many years I could trace so many of my customers back to some of my earliest work picked up right at the beginning.
1978 My wife and I began building our house. Set up a woodshop and began doing much more woodworking and furniture making.
1980 Began working Saturdays for Frank Singer. Frank was Swiss and studied upholstery in Switzerland in the thirties through the apprenticeship programfour years as an apprentice, seven years as a journeyman and then on to become a master. Like Ralph, Frank also was adept at all the old methods of hand work. He was the best I ever saw at tufting. I learned much from Frank, even how to make wine.
1985 Was asked to give a one day lecture/workshop on upholstery for students in the Furniture Design and Woodworking Program in the School for American Crafts at the Rochester Institute of Technology in nearby Rochester, NY. I have been giving one or two lectures a year on various subjects for the students ever since.
1986 Bought the building where my shop is now located. I soon had more than enough work to keep me busy on my own. I originally bought the building with my good friend Doug Conway. Doug was a carpenter/contractor. The building is quite large, so we each had our own bench room and we set up a large shared machine shop. With quite a bit of space left over, we decided right from the start to rent space out to other craftspeople. Doug passed away in 1994 but I still keep up the tradition of renting out space to others. It has worked out very well. For one thing, we often collaborate back forth helping each other on the occasional job, utilizing the various strengths of each craftsman.
Today I continue to develop and refine my furniture-making skills, creating a diverse array of original and period pieces. I have designed and built just about everything from elaborate staicases to upholstered sofas. I have done restoration work for dealers and antique collectors, as well as many heirloom pieces of all kinds for individuals. I have worked for museums such as the George Eastman House, The Genesee Country Museum, and The Susan B. Anthony House and I do work for other shops, decorators, designers, and furniture stores.